Some cyclic compositions with standard methods.
1234567890ET Yorkshire ------------ 157392E4T608 Cambridge 19E7T5038264 Yorkshire 1T0E89674523 Yorkshire 18604T2E3957 Cambridge 142638507T9E Cambridge 13527496E8T0 Yorkshire 1795E3T20486 Cambridge s 1E9T07856342 Little Bob with a Half-Lead Single in 1234 s 1E5T73920486 Little Bob with a Half-Lead Single in 1234 s 1E2T34567890 Little Bob 14T6E8203957 X s 1ET234567890 ------------ 11 part. 98 com, all the work. 2112 Cambridge, Yorkshire, 528 X, 264 Little Bob. X may be Cambridge or Yorkshire or Lincolnshire but the selected method must be rung throughout.Top of page
1234567890ET Yorkshire ------------ 157392E4T608 Cambridge 19E7T5038264 Yorkshire 1T0E89674523 Yorkshire 18604T2E3957 Cambridge 142638507T9E Cambridge 13527496E8T0 Yorkshire 1795E3T20486 Cambridge s 1E9T07856342 Little Bob with a Half-Lead Single in 1234 s 1E5T73920486 Little Bob with a Half-Lead Single in 1234 s 1E2T34567890 Bristol 1573920E8T64 Bristol 10896745T3E2 Bristol 14T6E8203957 Bristol 123E5T749608 Bristol 179503826E4T Bristol 186049T7E523 Bristol s 1ET234567890 ------------ 11 part. 87 com, all the work. 3696 Bristol, 2112 Cambridge, Yorkshire, 176 Little Bob. For 5072 omit the last two singles and 7 leads of Bristol in 9 parts (not all the work).Top of page
1234567890ET Yorkshire ------------ 157392E4T608 Cambridge 19E7T5038264 Yorkshire 1T0E89674523 Yorkshire 18604T2E3957 Cambridge 142638507T9E Cambridge 13527496E8T0 Yorkshire 1795E3T20486 Cambridge s 1E9T07856342 Little Bob with a Half-Lead Single in 1234 s 1E5T73920486 Little Bob with a Half-Lead Single in 1234 - 12ET34567890 Orion - 1T2E34567890 Orion - 1ET234567890 ------------ 11 part. 87 com, all the work. 2112 Cambridge, Yorkshire, 1056 Orion, 176 Little Bob. For 5072 omit last 3 bobs and two leads of Orion in 4 parts (not all the work).Top of page
1234567890ET Yorkshire ------------ 157392E4T608 Cambridge 19E7T5038264 Yorkshire 1T0E89674523 Yorkshire 18604T2E3957 Cambridge 142638507T9E Cambridge 13527496E8T0 Yorkshire 1795E3T20486 Cambridge s 1E9T07856342 Little Bob with a Half-Lead Single in 1234 s 1E5T73920486 Little Bob with a Half-Lead Single in 1234 s 1E2T34567890 Plain Bob 123E5T749608 Newgate s 1ET234567890 ------------ 11 part. 98 com, all the work. 2112 Cambridge, 528 Newgate, 2112 Yorkshire, 264 Plain Bob, 176 Little Bob. Superlative may be rung in place of any one or more of the leads of Cambridge or Yorkshire. Barford Surprise may be rung in place of Newgate.Top of page