This page contains a record of the cyclic compositions rung by College Youths from 1992 to mid 2008.
This spreadsheet sets out to record all the compositions of Cyclic Spliced Maximus rung by the College Youths between the first, in 1992, and the present date, mid-2008: a total of 100 peals, 83 of which have been rung by the 'First Saturday' tower-bell band which has been organised since 1995, plus some notable 'firsts' by the handbell band. 'Cyclic' here refers to compositions with rotating part-ends, such as 167890ET2345 or 67890ET12345, which thus produce music very different from conventional compositions. A whole new vein of creativity has been inspired, aimed at discovering the fresh musical potential, and the creativity continues.
The greatest enjoyment of cyclic music came about with the advent of 'link methods', which allowed peals to be composed using entirely plain-course music, without bobs or singles, and led to the creation of 'designer methods' with particularly musical individual leads designed to fit into a particular cyclic composition structure, to increase the total number of 4-, 5-, 6-, 7- and 8-bell 'runs' within the composition. Link methods were first conceived by Rod Pipe for his 3-spliced Bristol, Maypole and Lynx rung in 1994, and picked up more widely by other composers, notably Steve Coaker from 1997, David Pipe from 1999 and John Warboys from 2002, accompanied by an increasing flow of highly musical designer methods.
The spreadsheet includes note of all the occasions on which new methods were rung for the first time, and describes all methods in accordance with the liberalised Method Definitions adopted by the Central Council in 2001, which particularly affected the description of link methods. Most of these are now described straightforwardly as Differential methods, whereas previously they often had to be described artificially as bobbed or singled leads of some method which was never rung in plain lead form.
This is not a complete compendium of all Cyclic Spliced Maximus compositions ever rung, only those rung by the College Youths. The St James' Guild 1993 record length of 15,840 all-the-work 30-spliced Maximus was composed by John Leary on a cyclic plan, using bobs to shift the bells, as was a David Hull peal composition in 1994. Several of the compositions in this spreadsheet, as noted in the text, were first rung by the St Martin's Guild in Birmingham. In recent years a number of composers have produced various cyclic compositions making more use of standard methods, with the aim of making cyclic music accessible to more bands.
One minor question that arose along the way was the question of attribution, since with these cyclic structures, method design often takes up more time than composition structure. Rod Pipe thought that credit should be given for method design, and possibly method selection, separately from composition structure. Tony Smith advised that any composition giving a different order of leads is technically a fresh composition, but acknowledged there were no hard rules about what constitutes an 'arrangement'; subjectively it was to do with the extent of modification. Half-jokingly it was suggested that one justification for 'arranged by' could be where the original composer might not approve of what was being done to his composition. It remains a fuzzy area, and with hindsight, the attributions made here are not always the same as originally published.
We are indebted to the pioneering composers who created the ground-breaking compositions that have underpinned these years of enjoyable cyclic spliced ringing. The basic compositions have been subjected to numerous method variations and arrangements, and I would like to thank David House for his help over the years in proving many such variations. I would also like to thank Tony Smith for his help with link method nomenclatures; rather than publish and argue afterwards, I generally consulted Tony beforehand, saying 'this is what we want to ring, how should we describe it', and found Tony unfailingly helpful and constructive.
Tony Kench, August 2008
with minor corrections and clarifications December 2008 to the description of comps (43), (49), (54), (77) and (82)
Ref Date Rung Where Rung Composition Notes(1) 08-Nov-92 St Sepulchre 5280 Spliced Maximus, 10 methods, comp S A Coaker. 1234567890ET Cambridge S 157392E4T608 Superlative S 19E7T5038264 Bristol S 108T6E492735 Orion S 1T0E89674523 Newgate S s 1E9T07856342 Countesthorpe S 190E8T674523 (12th's place Lincolnshire) Strathclyde S s 1T7E95038264 Rigel S s 1E5T73920486 Londinium S s 1T3E52749608 Avon D 1ET234567890 11-part. 528 each method; 109 com, atw. (2) 21-Jan-95 St Sepulchre As (1) with Maypole A for Bristol S, Fenchurch S for Londinium S (5192). (3) 04-Feb-95 St Sepulchre ) 5016 Spliced Maximus, 10 methods, comp New method rung first time: (4) 01-Apr-95 Shoreditch ) S A Coaker. As (2) with Giltspur LS for Giltspur Little Surprise. (5) 03-Jun-95 Llandaff ) Countesthorpe. 352 Giltspur, 440 Maypole, (named after Giltspur Street, 528 remainder; 109 com, atw. alongside St Sepulchre church). (6) 07-Oct-95 St Sepulchre As (3) with Dr Butler S for Superlative S New methods rung first time and Jam Pot S for Newgate S. during this series of peals: (7) 02-Dec-95 St Sepulchre As (6) with King Lud D for Cambridge S. Dr Butler S, Jam Pot S, King (8) 10-Feb-96 St Sepulchre As (7) with Cockpit S for Orion S. Lud D, Cockpit S (all named (9) 02-Mar-96 St Sepulchre As (3) with Dr Butler S for Superlative S. after City of London pubs). (10) 30-Mar-96 St Sepulchre As (6).Top of page
(11) 01-Mar-97 St Martin-in-the-Fields 5060 Spliced Maximus, 3 methods, comp R W Pipe. 1234567890ET Maypole A 1795E3T20486 The first composition using a Bristol S 1T0E89674523 'link method' to change the Maypole A 1648203T5E79 position of the bells to the Bristol S 13527496E8T0 next cyclic position, without Lynx LA 124E5937T608 the need for bobs or singles. Bristol S 13T504826E79 Maypole A 18607T93E524 First rung 29 Sep 94 by Bristol S 19E72648503T the St Martin's Guild at Maypole A 14523ET90786 St Martin's Birmingham. Maypole A 1T038564729E Maypole A 167890ET2345 11-part. 2640 Maypole A, 2112 Bristol S, 308 Lynx LA; 88 com, atw. (12) 05-Apr-97 Coventry As (2)Top of page
(13) 31-May-97 St Sepulchre 5148 Spliced Maximus, 6 methods, comp S A Coaker. 1234567890ET Strathclyde S 18604T2E3957 The first palindromic 6-spliced Strathclyde S 1ET907856342 cyclic composition. Giltspur LS 1T0E89674523 Rigel S 19E7T5038264 New method rung first time: Bristol S 108T6E492735 Cheetah Little Alliance. Ariel S 1795E3T20486 Cheetah LA 10T837596E42 Ariel S 1E92748605T3 Bristol S 1807T93E5264 Rigel S 197E8204T635 Giltspur LS 17890ET23456 11-part. 220 Cheetah, 704 Giltspur, 1056 remainder; 109 com, atw.Top of page
(14) 06-Dec-97 St Sepulchre 5016 Spliced Maximus, 6 methods, comp S A Coaker. 1234567890ET Strathclyde S 18604T2E3957 New method rung first time: Strathclyde S 1ET907856342 Blink Little Bob. Giltspur LS 1T0E89674523 Rigel S 19E7T5038264 Bristol S 108T6E492735 Ariel S 1795E3T20486 Blink LB 19E72648503T Ariel S 108T637594E2 Bristol S 1796E8204T53 Rigel S 18607T93E524 Giltspur LS 167890ET2345 11-part. 88 Blink, 704 Giltspur, 1056 remainder; 109 com, atw.Top of page
(15) 17-Jan-98 St Sepulchre 5016 Spliced Maximus, 6 methods, comp S A Coaker. 1234567890ET Farringdon A 18604T2E3957 New methods rung first time: Farringdon A 1ET907856342 Clink Little B, Farringdon A. Giltspur LS 1T0E89674523 Rigel S 19E7T5038264 Bristol S 108T6E492735 Ariel S 1795E3T20486 Clink LB (2 leads) 14628T03E597 Ariel S 1537T92E4068 Bristol S 124T638507E9 Rigel S 13T527496E80 Giltspur LS 1T234567890E 11-part. 264 Clink, 704 Giltspur, 880 Farringdon, 1056 remainder. 109 com, atw. (16) 07-Mar-98 St Sepulchre As (15). (17) 30-May-98 St Sepulchre As (9). (18) 03-Oct-98 Saffron Walden As (6). (19) 09-Jan-99 St Sepulchre As (15). (20) 02-Aug-99 Caversham (in hand) As (21) below with Priory A for Deimos A and Rigel S for Phobos S. New methods rung first time: Slinky Differential LTP, Priory Alliance.Top of page
(21) 21-Nov-99 St Albans (in hand) 5016 Spliced Maximus, 6 methods, comp D J Pipe ('Pipe Classic'). 1234567890ET Slinky Diff LTP 14523ET90786 New methods rung first time: Deimos A 1534T20E8967 Deimos A, Phobos S. Phobos S 124E5937T608 Maypole A 13T504826E79 Ariel S 1E29475638T0 Zanussi S 1T038564729E Zanussi S 19E72648503T Ariel S 108T637594E2 Maypole A 1796E8204T53 Phobos S 18607T93E524 Deimos A 167890ET2345 11-part. 176 Slinky, 792 Deimos, 880 Maypole, 1056 remainder. 190 com, atw. (22) 23-Jan-00 St Albans (in hand) As (21) (23) 29-Jan-00 St Sepulchre As (14).Top of page
(24) 26-Feb-00 St Sepulchre 5016 Spliced Maximus, 6 methods, comp D J Pipe. 1234567890ET Slink Diff LTP (2 leads) 14523ET90786 Intended as a simpler Giltspur LS 1534T20E8967 method arrangement, with Phobos S 124E5937T608 Giltspur LS for Deimos A, Bristol S 13T504826E79 Bristol S for Maypole A, Ariel S 1E29475638T0 and a shorter link method. Zanussi S 1T038564729E Zanussi S 19E72648503T New method rung first time: Ariel S 108T637594E2 Slink Differential LTP. Bristol S 1796E8204T53 Phobos S 18607T93E524 Giltspur LS 167890ET2345 11-part. 88 Slink, 704 Giltspur, 1056 remainder. 109 com, atw. (25) 06-May-00 St Sepulchre As (24). (27) 03-Jun-00 Amersham As (24). (28) 05-Aug-00 St Sepulchre As (14) with Phobos S for Rigel S. (29) 28-Aug-00 St Mary Redcliffe As (28).Top of page
(30) 03-Sep-00 St Albans (in hand) 5040 Spliced Maximus, 6 methods, comp D J Pipe ('Pipe Classic 12-part'). 1234567890ET Lynx Diff 64523T10E897 New method rung first time: Deimos A 653412ET9078 Lynx Differential. Phobos S 624T503817E9 Glazgow LS 6315E4927T80 Glazgow LS replaces Bristol/ Ariel S 6T204857391E Maypole in 12-part comps Zanussi S 61E39574820T where the back change Zanussi S 60T827495E31 would run false. Ariel S 6E91738504T2 Glazgow LS 6807T92E4153 Phobos S 697E8103T524 Deimos A 67890ET12345 12-part. 1152 Ariel, Phobos, Zanussi S; 864 Deimos A; 576 Glazgow LS; 144 Lynx Differential. 119 com, atw for all 12 bells. (31) 30-Sep-00 Towcester As (24). (32) 15-Oct-00 Royston (in hand) As (30).Top of page
(33) 28-Oct-00 St Sepulchre 5040 Spliced Maximus, 6 methods, comp D J Pipe. 1234567890ET Thames Lynx Diff 64523T10E897 New method rung first time: Giltspur LS 653412ET9078 Thames Lynx Differential. Phobos S 624T503817E9 Glazgow LS 6315E4927T80 An arrangement of (27) using Ariel S 6T204857391E Giltspur LS for Deimos and Zanussi S 61E39574820T Thames Lynx Diff for Lynx. Zanussi S 60T827495E31 Ariel S 6E91738504T2 Glazgow LS 6807T92E4153 Phobos S 697E8103T524 Giltspur LS 67890ET12345 12-part. 1152 Ariel, Phobos, Zanussi S; 768 Giltspur LS; 576 Glazgow LS; 240 Thames Lynx Differential. 119 com, atw for all 12 bells. (34) 03-Mar-01 Birmingham St Martin As (24). (35) 05-May-01 St Sepulchre As (24). (36) 07-Jul-01 Coventry As (24) with Slinkier Diff LTP (new method rung first time) for Slink Diff LTP. (37) 04-Aug-01 St Sepulchre As (21) being the first time Deimos A rung on tower bells. (38) 27-Aug-01 Newcastle upon Tyne As (28). (39) 01-Sep-01 St Sepulchre As (21). (40) 06-Oct-01 St Sepulchre As (30). (41) 03-Nov-01 St Sepulchre As (21) with Naiad A (new method rung first time) for Ariel (6m 11-part 5016). (42) 12-Jan-02 St Sepulchre As (30) with Naiad A for Ariel (6m 12-part 5040). (43) 02-Mar-02 St Sepulchre As (41) with Slinkier for Slinky, Bristol for 1st Maypole per part (7m 11-part 5016). (44) 13-Apr-02 Newport, Gwent As (43) with Ariel S for second Naiad per part (8m 11-part 5016). (45) 06-Jul-02 St Sepulchre As (30) with Rigel S for first lead of Phobos per part (7m 12-part 5040). (46) 07-Sep-02 Bristol St Stephen As (30). (47) 26-Oct-02 Ballymena As (30). (48) 07-Dec-02 St Sepulchre As (30) with Fleet Lynx Differential (new method rung first time) for Lynx, Giltspur LS for first Deimos per part, Rigel S for first Phobos per part (8m 12-part 5040).Top of page
(49) 11-Jan-03 St Sepulchre 5040 Spliced Maximus, 10 methods, comp D J Pipe. 1234567890ET Thames Lynx Diff 64523T10E897 New methods rung first time: Deimos A 653412ET9078 Dryad Alliance, Porter Alliance. Rigel S 624T503817E9 Glazgow LS 6315E4927T80 Earlier Naiad A, Dryad A here Ariel S 6T204857391E and later Quattro A (peal 60) Porter A 61E39574820T explore pairs of 4-bell runs Zanussi S 60T827495E31 (eg 23459876) in place of Ariel. Dryad A 6E91738504T2 Glazgow LS 6807T92E4153 Porter A is a shortened Zanussi Phobos S 697E8103T524 without the point-point starts. Giltspur LS 67890ET12345 12-part. 576 Ariel, Phobos, Rigel, Zanussi S, Dryad A, Glazgow LS; 528 Porter A; 432 Deimos A; 384 Giltspur LS; 240 Thames Lynx Diff. 131 com, atw for all 12 bells. (50) 18-Jan-03 St Sepulchre 5060 Spliced Maximus, 6 methods, comp D J Pipe arr S A Coaker: as (21) with Chain-link Diff A for Slinky, Giltspur LS for Deimos, Rigel S for Phobos. (51) 01-Feb-03 St Sepulchre As (49) with Lynx Diff for Thames Lynx, Brigstowe LA (new method rung first time) for first Glazgow LS per part (11m 12-part 5016). (52) 01-Mar-03 Towcester As (30) with Thames Lynx Diff for Lynx, Porter A for Zanussi (6m 12-part). (53) 21-Apr-03 St Mary Redcliffe As (52). (54) 07-Jun-03 Leicester Cathedral As (49) with Fleet Lynx Diff for Thames Lynx, Brigstowe A for first Glazgow LS per part, Porter A for Zanussi S, Ariel S for Dryad A (9m 12-part 5016).Top of page
(55) 06-Sep-03 St Sepulchre 5040 Spliced Maximus, 6 methods, comp A R Kench. 1234567890ET Lynx Diff LTP 64523T10E897 Practice peal incorporating Deimos A 653412ET9078 one of JSW's 'Red' methods. Phobos S 624T503817E9 Hebe A 6E91738504T2 New methods rung first time: Burgundy LA 60T827495E31 Burgundy LA, Hebe A. Claret S 61E39574820T Claret S 6T204857391E Burgundy replaces Scarlet for Burgundy LA 6315E4927T80 12-part compositions where the Hebe A 6807T92E4153 back change would run false. Phobos S 697E8103T524 Hebe A is a shortened Zanussi. Deimos A 67890ET12345 12-part. 1152 Claret, Phobos S; 864 Burgundy LA, Deimos A, Hebe A; 144 Lynx. 119 com, atw for all 12 bells. (56) 21-Sep-03 St Mary-le-Bow As (21). (57) 11-Oct-03 Cripplegate As (21). (58) 25-Oct-03 St Sepulchre 5038 Spliced Maximus, 6 methods, comp J S Warboys. 1234567890ET Maypole A 1795E3T20486 A new, simpler cyclic comp Zanussi S 18604T2E3957 from JSW, based on the DJP Zanussi S 157392E4T608 method set but omitting Ariel. Maypole A 1ET907856342 Deimos A 1T0E89674523 New method rung first time: Phobos S 19E7T5038264 Mandarin Differential LA. Bristol S 108T6E492735 Mandarin Diff LA 12E49608T735 Bristol S 10T93E527486 Phobos S 1E9204T63857 Deimos A 190ET2345678 11-part. 1056 Bristol, Phobos, Zanussi S; 880 Maypole A; 792 Deimos A; 198 Mandarin Diff LA. 109 com, atw.Top of page
(59) 29-Nov-03 South Croydon As (21). (60) 06-Dec-03 St Sepulchre As (30) with Fleet Lynx for Lynx, Quattro A (new method rung first time) for Ariel S, Brigstowe LA for Glazgow LS (6m 12-part 5040). (61) 06-Mar-04 St Sepulchre As (30).Top of page
(62) 20-Mar-04 St Mary-le-Bow 5038 Spliced Maximus, 6 methods, comp J S Warboys. 1234567890ET Cerise LS 142638507T9E JSW's 'Red'peal Version 1, Strawberry S 13527496E8T0 first rung 13 May 02 by Vermilion S 1648203T5E79 the St Martin's Guild at Scarlet S 157392E4T608 St Philip's Birmingham. Magenta LP 15739T0E8264 Scarlet S 18604927E5T3 Vermilion S 1795038T6E42 Strawberry S 1089674523ET Cerise LS 190785634T2E Bristol S 164820E9T735 Bristol S 1ET234567890 11-part. 110 Magenta LP; 704 Cerise LS; 1056 remainder. 109 com, atw.Top of page
(63) 03-Apr-04 St Sepulchre 5038 Spliced Maximus, 7 methods, comp A R Kench. 1234567890ET Kings A 18604T2E3957 New methods rung first time: Zanussi S 157392E47608 Kings Alliance, Channel Tunnel Ariel S 1648203T5E79 Differential Rail Link Little A. Maypole A 13527496E8T0 Phobos S 142638507T9E Kings A gives extensive Kings A 108T6E492735 music (in every lead of its Ariel S 1795E3T20486 plain course) based on Maypole A 1T0E89674523 'Kings': E9753124680T. Phobos S 19E7T5038264 Deimos A 1ET907856342 CTRL Diff LA 190ET2345678 11-part. 1056 Ariel, Phobos S, Kings A; 880 Maypole A; 528 Zanussi S; 396 Deimos A; 66 Channel Tunnel Rail Link Diff LA. 120 com, atw.Top of page
(64) 05-Jun-04 St Sepulchre 5040 Spliced Maximus, 5 methods, comp A R Kench. 1234567890ET Deimos A 13527496E8T0 Practice peal incorporating Vermilion S 1648203T5E79 more of JSW's 'Red' methods. Burgundy LA 157392E4T608 Claret S 18604T2E3957 New method rung first time: Claret S 1795E3T20486 MarsLink Differential. Burgundy LA 108T6E492735 Vermilion S 19E7T5038264 Deimos A 1ET907856342 Deimos A 1T0E89674523 MarsLink Diff 8E9103T52746 Deimos A 890ET1234567 12-part. 1728 Deimos A; 1152 Claret, Vermilion S; 864 Burgundy LA; 144 MarsLink Differential. 96 com, atw for all 12 bells. (65) 24-Jul-04 Towcester As (21).Top of page
(66) 21-Aug-04 Towcester 5060 Spliced Maximus, 6 methods, comp J S Warboys. 1234567890ET Cerise LS 142638507T9E JSW's 'Red' peal Version 2, Strawberry S 13527496E8T0 first rung 20 Jan 03 by Vermilion S 1648203T5E79 the St Martin's Guild at Scarlet S 157392E4T608 St Philip's Birmingham. Claret S 18604T2E3957 Claret S 1795E3T20486 Scarlet S 108T6E492735 Vermilion S 19E7T5038264 Srawberry S 1T0E89674523 Cerise LS 1ET907856342 Carmine LA 14567890ET23 11-part. 132 Carmine LA; 704 Cerise LS; 1056 remainder. 109 com, atw.Top of page
(67) 04-Sep-04 Oxford 5064 Spliced Maximus, 6 methods, comp J S Warboys arr A R Kench. 1234567890ET Cerise LS 142638507T9E 12-part version of JSW's Strawberry S 13527496E8T0 'Red' peal Version 1. Vermilion S 1648203T5E79 Burgundy LA 157392E4T608 New method rung first time: Oxford Link Diff 824T60795E31 Oxford Link Differential. Burgundy LA 853716E4920T Vermilion S 84627T50391E Strawberry S 87563412ET90 Cerise LS 8674523T10E9 Maypole A 8315E79604T2 Maypole A 890ET1234567 12-part. 1152 Strawberry, Vermilion S; 960 Maypole A; 864 Burgundy LA; 768 Cerise LS; 168 Oxford Link Differential. 119 com, atw for all 12 bells. (68) 25-Sep-04 Saffron Walden As (58).Top of page
(69) 02-Oct-04 Ballymena 5016 Spliced Maximus, 6 methods, comp J S Warboys arr A R Kench. 1234567890ET Maypole A 1795E3T20486 12-part version of JSW's 11-part Zanussi S 18604T2E3957 as previously rung at peal (58). Zanussi S 157392E4T608 Maypole A 1ET907856342 New method rung first time: Deimos A 1T0E89674523 Faulkes Asteroid Differential Phobos S 19E7T5038264 (named for Dill Faulkes having Brigstowe LA 108T6E492735 an asteroid named after him: Faulkes Asteroid Diff 81E39507T624 47144 Faulkes, a 3km minor Brigstowe LA 80T92E416375 planet orbiting the sun Phobos S 8E9103T52746 between Mars and Jupiter). Deimos A 890ET1234567 12-part. 1152 Phobos, Zanussi S; 960 Maypole A; 864 Deimos A; 720 Brigstowe LA; 168 Faulkes Asteroid Differential. 119 com, atw for all 12 bells.Top of page
(70) 30-Oct-04 St Sepulchre 5136 Spliced Maximus, 12 methods, comp J S Warboys. 1234567890ET Cerise LS 142638507T9E 12-part peal combining the Strawberry S 13527496E8T0 DJP cyclic methods with Vermilion S 1648203T5E79 the JSW 'Red' methods. Burgundy LA 157392E4T608 Redback Diff LP s 15237496E8T0 New methods rung first time: Redback Diff LP s 1543267890ET Redback Differential LP, Pipit Diff 64523T10E897 Pipit Differential. Deimos A 653412ET9078 Phobos S 624T503817E9 Glazgow LS 6315E4927T80 Ariel S 6T204857391E Zanussi S 61E39574820T Maypole A 67890ET12345 12-part. 576 Ariel, Phobos, Strawberry, Vermilion, Zanussi S; 480 Maypole A; 432 Burgundy LA, Deimos A; 384 Cerise LS; 288 Glazgow LS; 144 Pipit Differential; 96 Redback Differential LB. 143 com, atw for all 12 bells. (71) 20-Nov-04 St Sepulchre As (66) with Ruby Diff LB (new method rung first time) for Carmine LA.Top of page
(72) 04-Dec-04 St Sepulchre 5060 Spliced Maximus, 12 methods, comp J S Warboys. 1234567890ET Pippin Diff LB 13654T20E897 11-part peal combining the Redback Diff LP 1T305867492E DJP cyclic methods with Scarlet S 142638507T9E the JSW 'Red' methods. Vermilion S 13527496E8T0 Strawberry S 1648203T5E79 New method rung first time: Cerise LS 157392E4T608 Pippin Differential LB Maypole A 12E49675830T Zanussi S 10T837596E42 Ariel S 1E92748605T3 Bristol S 1807T93E5264 Phobos S 197E8204T635 Deimos A 17890ET23456 11-part. 528 Ariel, Bristol, Phobos, Scarlet, Strawberry, Vermilion, Zanussi S; 440 Maypole A; 396 Deimos A; 352 Cerise LS; 132 Pippin Differential LB; 44 Redback Differential LP. 131 com, atw. (73) 08-Jan-05 St Sepulchre As (70) with Vermille A (new method rung first time) for Vermilion, Quattro A for Ariel, Bristol S for Maypole (12m 12-part 5040). (74) 29-Jan-05 St Sepulchre As (21) with Bristol S for Maypole, Porter A for Zanussi. (75) 26-Mar-05 Cripplegate As (21). (76) 02-Apr-05 St Sepulchre As (21).Top of page
(77) 04-Jun-05 St Sepulchre 5005 Spliced Maximus, 6 methods, comp D J Pipe arr A R Kench. 1234567890ET Space Oddity DLH 10E89674523T Arrangement of the Pipe Classic Deimos A 1E90785634T2 with 15-change link method, Phobos S 1806E4927T53 enabling alternate parts to be Maypole A 197E5038T624 rung at opposite strokes. Ariel S 168402ET9375 Zanussi S 17593ET02846 New method rung first time: Zanussi S 14628T03E597 Space Oddity Differential Ariel S 1537T92E4068 Little Hybrid. Maypole A 124T638507E9 Phobos S 13T527496E80 Deimos A 1T234567890E 11-part with alternate parts rung at opposite strokes. 1056 Ariel, Phobos, Zanussi S; 880 Maypole A; 792 Deimos A; 165 Space Oddity Differential Little Hybrid (first 15 changes per lead). 109 com, atw.Top of page
(78) 12-Nov-05 St Sepulchre 5016 Spliced Maximus, 6 methods, comp J S Warboys arr A R Kench. 1234567890ET Cerise LS 142638507T9E 12-part version of JSW's Strawberry S 13527496E8T0 'Red' peal Version 2. Vermille A 1648203T5E79 Burgundy LA 157392E4T608 New method rung first time: Claret S 18604T2E3957 Zinfandel Differential. Claret S 1795E3T20486 Burgundy LA 108T6E492735 Vermille A 19E7T5038264 Strawberry S 1T0E89674523 Cerise LS 1ET907856342 Zinfandel Diff 890ET1234567 12-part. 1152 Claret, Strawberry S; 960 Vermille A; 864 Burgundy LA; 768 Cerise LS; 120 Zinfandel Differential. 119 com, atw for all 12 bells. (79) 03-Dec-05 Birmingham St Philip As (30).Top of page
(80) 04-Feb-06 Solihull 5016 Spliced Maximus, 4 methods, comp A R Kench. 1234567890ET Phobos S 1648203T5E79 A simpler cyclic peal with Maypole A 13527496E8T0 three familiar methods Phobos S 142638507T9E plus a simple link. Zanussi S 19E7T5038264 Maypole A 108T6E492735 New method rung first time: Phobos S 1ET907856342 Poppy Differential. Maypole A 18604T2E3957 Zanussi S 157392E4T608 Poppy Diff LTP 1E29475638T0 Maypole A 1534T20E8967 Zanussi S 167890ET2345 11-part. 1760 Maypole A; 1584 Phobos, Zanussi S; 88 Poppy Differential LTP. 120 com, atw. (81) 25-Feb-06 Birmingham St Philip As (72). (82) 01-Apr-06 Reading As (58) with Giltspur LS for Deimos A, Ebony LTP (new method rung first time) for Mandarin DLA. 109 com, atw (6m 11-part 5016).Top of page
(83) 06-May-06 St Sepulchre 5060 Spliced Maximus, 10 methods, arr A R Kench from compositions by D J Pipe and R W Pipe. Part A 1234567890ET A combination of the DJP Slink Diff LTP 1523408T6E79 'cyclic' methods with the Slink Diff LTP 14523ET90786 RWP 'RABS' methods. Deimos A 1534T20E8967 Phobos S 124E5937T608 Also exploring different-length Maypole A 13T504826E79 parts, but thereby no longer atw. Ariel S 1E29475638T0 Zanussi S 1T038564729E Zanussi S 19E72648503T Ariel S 108T637594E2 Maypole A 1796E8204T53 Phobos S - 186790ET2345 Rigel S 107T836594E2 Bristol S 1698E7204T53 Rigel S - 178690ET2345 Strathclyde S 1T036574829E Strathclyde S 14523ET90867 Avon D 124E5938T706 Bristol S 13T504627E89 Bristol S - 167890ET2345 Part B Slink Diff LTP 196783T504E2 Slink Diff LTP 189674523ET0 Avon D 1684927E503T Bristol S 175938T604E2 Maypole A 1T03E5274968 Deimos A 10ET23456789 Then parts BABBABBAA. 1008 Bristol S; 640 Maypole A; 528 Avon D; 480 Ariel, Phobos, Rigel, Strathclyde, Zanussi S; 396 Deimos A; 88 Slink Diff. 104 com.Top of page
(84) 03-Jun-06 Ipswich 5016 Spliced Maximus, 6 methods, comp D J Pipe. 1234567890ET Slink Diff LTP (2 leads) 14523ET90786 A simpler arrangement of (20) Glasgow LS 1534T20E8967 with Glasgow LS for Deimos A Phobos S 124E5937T608 and Slink Diff LTP for Slinky, Bristol S 13T504826E79 this became known as the Pipe Ariel S 1E29475638T0 Classic 'Cambridge Variation'. Zanussi S 1T038564729E Zanussi S 19E72648503T Ariel S 108T637594E2 Bristol S 1796E8204T53 Phobos S 18607T93E524 Glasgow LS 167890ET2345 11-part. 88 Slink Diff LTP, 704 Glasgow LS, 1056 remainder. 109 com, atw.Top of page
(85) 02-Sep-06 St Sepulchre 5104 Spliced Maximus, 10 methods, comp A R Kench. 1234567890ET Slink Diff LTP 1523408T6E79 ) Slink Diff LTP 14523ET90786 ) Deimos A 1534T20E8967 ) Phobos S 124E5937T608 ) Part A Strathclyde S 1796E8204T53 ) Phobos S 18604T2E3957 ) Deimos A 167890ET2345 ) Repeat Part A 10ET23456789 Slink Diff LTP 120ET7593846 ) Slink Diff LTP 1T20E8967453 ) Deimos A 12ET90785634 ) Phobos S 10T826E49375 ) Glazgow LS 1E927T503846 ) Ariel S 1806T423E597 ) Zanussi S 197E523T4068 ) Zanussi S 168403T527E9 ) Part B Ariel S 17593E426T80 ) Glazgow LS 14638507T92E ) Phobos S 1537496E820T ) Deimos A s 14368507T92E ) Rigel S s 165437890ET2 ) Zanussi S 1T20E8937546 ) Avon D 10T823E59674 ) Bristol S 1E927T406853 ) Avon D 12ET90784365 ) Zanussi S s 15638407T92E ) Rigel S s 134567890ET2 ) Then parts AABAABBB. 1056 Phobos S; 960 Zanussi S; 792 Deimos A; 480 Ariel, Rigel S, Avon D; 288 Strathclyde S; 88 Slink Diff LTP. 120 com. (86) 11-Nov-06 St Sepulchre As (58) with Glasgow LS for Deimos, Ivory LA (new method rung first time) for Mandarin DLA. (87) 02-Dec-06 St Sepulchre As (30).Top of page
(88) 13-Jan-07 St Sepulchre 5060 Spliced Maximus, 9 methods, comp P J Earis. 1234567890ET Tellurium S 13527496E8T0 The first of a series of comps Phobos S 142638507T9E by PJE and DJP exploring Bristol S 157392E4T608 'tittums' music: half a part of Ariel S 1648203T5E79 'cyclic' methods, then half a Zanussi S 1795E3T20486 part structured around 'tittums' Zanussi S 18604T2E3957 (eg 172839405E6T). Bastow LB 108T6E492735 Bastow LB 1T0E89674523 Bastow LB -14 1ET089674523 Orion S -16 10E9T8674523 Avon D -18 1908E7T64523 Bastow LB -10 189706E5T423 Kent TB -10 17869504ET23 Bastow LB -18 16758490ET23 Bastow LB -16 15647890ET23 Bastow LB -14 14567890ET23 11-part. 1056 Zanussi S; 528 Ariel, Bristol, Orion, Tellurium S, Avon D, Kent TB; 308 Bastow LB. 120 com, atw. (89) 03-Mar-07 St Sepulchre As (88) with Grundisburgh S for Kent TB (replaced by popular demand).Top of page
(90) 01-Sep-07 St Sepulchre 5082 Spliced Maximus, 10 methods, comp D J Pipe. 1234567890ET Io LA 142638507T9E The first rung of a new series Chaldene LA 13527496E8T0 of DJP 'Jupiter' compositions, Leda LA 1648203T5E79 with method names taken Callisto LA 157392E4T608 mainly from the moons of Europa LTP 18604T2E3957 Jupiter (plus Zeus). Europa LTP 1795E3T20486 Callisto LA 108T6E492735 New methods rung first time: Leda LA 19E7T5038264 Io Little A, Chaldene Little A, Chaldene LA 1T0E89674523 Leda Little A, Callisto Little A, Io LA -10 1ET907856342 Europa Little Treble Place, Europa LTP 1342567890ET Metis Little Treble Place, Orion S 123648507T9E Zeus Differential Little Bob. Maypole A 157493E2T608 Europa LTP 18602T3E4957 A 'practice peal' for the 12-part Europa LTP 1795E4T30286 Jupiter 'tittums' peal (91) below. Bristol S 1T0E89672534 Orion S -10 1ET907856234 Metis LTP -10 1ET907856342 Zeus Diff LB 190ET2345678 11-part. 1056 Orion S; 880 Europa LTP; 792 Callisto LA; 528 Bristol S, Io LA; 440 Chaldene LA, Maypole A; 220 Leda LA; 110 Zeus Diff LB; 88 Metis LTP. 186 com, atw.Top of page
(91) 10-Nov-07 St Sepulchre 5088 Spliced Maximus, 8 methods, comp D J Pipe. 1234567890ET Io LA 142638507T9E The first-rung 12-part 'Jupiter' Chaldene LA 13527496E8T0 composition: cyclic methods Leda LA 1648203T5E79 for the first half of each part, Callisto LA 157392E4T608 then 'tittums' music centred on Europa LTP 18604T2E3957 the section of Ganymede. Europa LTP 1795E3T20486 Callisto LA 108T6E492735 New methods rung first time: Leda LA 19E7T5038264 Amalthea Little Alliance, Chaldene LA 1T0E89674523 Ganymede Differential. Io LA -10 1ET907856342 Plain B -18 1ET907862534 Plain B -16 1ET908273645 Amalthea LA -14 1ET029384756 Amalthea LA 1T2E30495867 Ganymede Diff s12 8907E6T51423 Amalthea LA -14 890ET7162534 Amalthea LA -16 890ET1273645 Plain B -18 890ET1234756 Plain B -10 890ET1234567 12-part. 1152 Plain B; 1056 Amalthea LA; 864 Callisto LA; 576 Io LA; 480 Chaldene LA; 384 Europa LTP; 336 Ganymede Differential; 240 Leda LA. 167 com, atw for all 12 bells.Top of page
(92) 01-Dec-07 St Sepulchre 5038 Spliced Maximus, 9 methods, comp D J Pipe arr A R Kench. 1234567890ET Io LA 142638507T9E An 11-part arrangement using Chaldene LA 13527496E8T0 the 'Jupiter' cyclic methods Leda LA 1648203T5E79 without the 'tittums' work. Callisto LA 157392E4T608 Europa LTP 18604T2E3957 Europa LTP 1795E3T20486 Callisto LA 108T6E492735 Leda LA 19E7T5038264 Chaldene LA 1T0E89674523 Io LA 1ET907856342 CTRL Diff LA -14 190T3E527486 Channel Tunnel Rail Link DLA. Rigel S -14 1ET902345678 Bristol S 13507T8E6942 Zanussi S 142698E7T503 Bristol S -14 1TE039547286 Rigel S -14 190ET2345678 11-part. 1056 Bristol S, Rigel S; 792 Callisto LA; 528 Zanussi S, Io LA; 440 Chaldene LA; 352 Europa LTP; 220 Leda LA; 66 Channel Tunnel Rail Link Differential LA. 164 com, atw. (93) 05-Jan-08 St Sepulchre As (91).Top of page
(94) 01-Mar-08 St Sepulchre 5060 Spliced Maximus, 7 methods, comp D J Pipe. 1234567890ET Io LA 142638507T9E A revised 11-part Jupiter Chaldene LA 13527496E8T0 composition, with 'tittums' Leda LA 1648203T5E79 music centred on Plain Bob. Callisto LA 157392E4T608 Europa LTP 18604T2E3957 New method rung first time: Europa LTP 1795E3T20486 Sinope Alliance. Callisto LA 108T6E492735 Leda LA 19E7T5038264 Chaldene LA 1T0E89674523 Io LA -10 1ET907856342 Sinope A -18 1ET907862534 Sinope A -16 1ET908273645 Plain B -14 1ET029384756 Plain B -14 1ET230495867 Sinope A -16 1ET234506978 Sinope A -18 1ET234567089 Sinope A -10 1ET234567890 11-part. 2200 Sinope A; 792 Callisto LA; 528 Io LA, Plain B; 440 Chaldene LA; 352 Europa LTP; 220 Leda LA. 131 com, atw. (95) 05-Apr-08 St Sepulchre As (84). (96) 03-May-08 New York City As (84): the first cyclic spliced maximus rung in North America. (97) 26-May-08 Kettering As (84). (98) 07-Jun-08 St Sepulchre As (30). ) Both DJP's 12-part cyclic spliced compositions (99) 07-Jun-08 Towcester As (91). ) rung on the same day by different bands, to ) celebrate the composer's 40th birthday year. (100) 05-Jul-08 St Sepulchre As (92).Top of page